Grandchildren had stayed overnight which saw me in the morning getting everything organised to have them ready for school in about half an hour. The younger one was up and organised like she always is but the older one who tends to take after her father in, drag the body as slow as we can, was close to running us all behind. Trying to keep the cheery house alive I managed to keep the coordination flowing nicely while my directing talents were in full swing. I had given Grandy 1 her choice of cocoa pops, while I packed 2 lunches, got No. 2 to load her bag, brush her teeth, find a hairbrush and a hair tie and have her stuff ready at the door. Two of us were rolling along nicely while one of us was happily munching the chocolate Cocoa pops in super slow mode. The mode was so slow that I chose to brush her hair and tie it while the spoon was lifting up and down. One of the hardest jobs I have in the morning is not the 2 legged critters but ensuring the 4 legged purring one is outside so as not to set the alarm off when we leave. Kale was getting wise in his 11 months of lazy life and knew as soon as he heard the keys rattle that it was time to hide in my room and under my bed. He knew that I was not of a skinny nature and that I could not get under the bed to get him out. I grabbed his biscats and put them down next to Grandy 1 while the clock ticked closer to the next failed rattling biscuit movement. Whilst I fluffed around tidying up the lunch mess Grandy 1 decided she had finished but was still hungry and would like some more cocoa pops. Rolling my eyes thinking “really”, I grabbed the container and shimmied another dose into her plate. I walked off to finish my chores only to be haltered by a NANA!! that I knew meant trouble. Happy was fast disappearing and Grumpy was trying to come out but knowing that my rule is always send a child to school happy and in a good mood forced me to smile and say “What’s wrong?” She was looking at her plate with a weird expression so I went over to see what the fuss was about. There was a nice pile of newly added cat biscats in her chocolate milk remnants of the previous pops. Ooops bad Nana.
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